This iconic lamp signifies both history and elegance, with its curvaceous lines and simplistic structure. The design allows the whole object to surround the bare bulb, which diffuses the intensity of the light, allowing a wonderful, warm glow to emanate from its structure. The quality of the product is perfect, as only the best materials for the job have been used to ensure ultimate satisfaction. The light gives any space a really inviting atmosphere and also adds a whitening effect to the golden tones that some bulbs can emit. This allows colours and details to stand out with power, and also gives a cleaner, brighter feel to the whole room.
The original bubble lamp was designed by architect George Nelson who is an icon in his own right. Nelson studied architecture and fine art in school in the 1920s which was when Modern Architecture really took off and became must-have style for many homes. He had a really sharp understanding of the modern architectural movement and went on to become an architectural writer, learning more through the analysis of his idols, Mies van de Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright, who were masters of the modern movement at that time.
Photo: Jacob Termansen Photography
Nelson went on to design one of the most iconic pendant light fittings to date in 1947 and began producing them for the public in 1950. Since then it has become a real modern icon and has been used in some of the most contemporary architectural designs, giving style and elegance to every room it has been placed into. The lamps popularity has ceased to wane and still remains a very integral part to modern interior design and provides inspiration to the masses.
The bubble lamp is a hanging shade that compromises of a sculptural steel wire skeleton covered in a translucent plastic that dissipates light spectacularly well. Aside from the cigar, the nelson bubble lamp also has siblings that go by the name of the propeller, the crisscross, the ball, the saucer, the apple, the pear and the lantern. With such a vast family, it is easy to see why the lamp is very popular indeed.
With its contemporary style and organically shaped design, this lamp fits in wonderfully with an interior of similar class and elegance and helps to carry on the feel of the overall design. With neutral colours providing a subtle backdrop, sleek and smooth furnishings will accentuate the lamps beauty and allow it to hang proudly on high or low ceilings.
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