Creating the Perfect Billiards Room for Your Private Space
With a bit of creativity and an eye for details, planning out a fully furnished billiards room can be a lot of fun. Even if you have been sold on a particular type of billiard room style, try to keep an open mind. Aesthetics aside, your billiards room should easily accommodate entertaining company and actually enjoying a game of pool. This modest collection of the very best billiards rooms showcases inventive, modern and stylish design plans currently available. Feel free to incorporate style elements from various sources as you see fit. This collection of billiards rooms outlines virtually everything there is to do with the once traditional design scheme. Whether your personal tasted are understated or sleek, these billiards rooms are sure to inspire as much as they intrigue.

- Marvellous Modern Mixture: Stunning townhouse has a wonderful mix of different styles
- Bridging the Gap: Unusually structured house merges the gap between contemporary and industrial design
- Creating the Perfect Billiards Room for Your Private Space
- 20 Mind Blowing Billiards Room Designs
- 12 Creative Billiards Room Ideas