In the Tropics: This exotic and tropical home has been beautifully constructed
January 30, 2020
When facing the house you can see a wonderfully constructed building with lots of modern additions and large windows and doors. Yet, when you turn your back to the house, it is utterly astounding the immense view you can get from the location. Located right on top of the ridge in Laguna Beach, California, USA this house has nearly 360 degrees of pure ocean views, which in the summer, looks exotic and tropical with glittering waves and warm air. The house was created in co-operation with two companies, Horst Architects and Aria Design which led to the development of this impressive, modern house. All of the interior spaces have been decorated in a minimalist style with extensive use of glass and stunning views. Photos by John Ellis and Toby Ponnay.
When facing the house you can see a wonderfully constructed building with lots of modern additions and large windows and doors. Yet, when you turn your back to the house, it is utterly astounding the immense view you can get from the location. Located right on top of the ridge in Laguna Beach, California, USA this house has nearly 360 degrees of pure ocean views, which in the summer, looks exotic and tropical with glittering waves and warm air. The house was created in co-operation with two companies, Horst Architects and Aria Design which led to the development of this impressive, modern house. All of the interior spaces have been decorated in a minimalist style with extensive use of glass and stunning views. Photos by John Ellis and Toby Ponnay.
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